Dependency ========== Sbt Example ----------- The current prerelease is |0.9.23|. Sbt dependency: .. code-block:: scala libraryDependencies += "io.github.dotty-cps-async" %% "dotty-cps-async" % "1.0.0" JavaScript and Native targets are also supported. .. code-block:: scala libraryDependencies += "io.github.dotty-cps-async" %%% "dotty-cps-async" % "1.0.0" **Note**: :red:`%%%` automatically determines whether we are in a Scala/JVM or a Scala.js or a Scala.Native project (see |Scala.js Cross-Building|_). According to the Scala versioning policy, the library can be used in projects with any Scala-3 version. A version of dotty-cps-async with extended capacities also exists, which relies on the latest version of the Scala compiler. For this version, use the `dotty-cps-async-next` artifcat name. .. code-block:: scala libraryDependencies += "io.github.dotty-cps-async" %%% "dotty-cps-async-next" % "1.0.0" Compiler Plugin --------------- For using direct context encoding (now marked as `@experimental`) you also need to add compiler-plugin: for sbt: .. code-block:: scala autoCompilerPlugins := true addCompilerPlugin("io.github.dotty-cps-async" %% "dotty-cps-async-compiler-plugin" % "1.0.0") for mill: .. code-block:: scala def scalacPluginIvyDeps = Agg(ivy"io.github.dotty-cps-async::dotty-cps-async-compiler-plugin:1.0.0") Loom support on JVM ------------------- If you use JDK-21 or later you can find helpful loom-based support for transforming arguments of high-order functions. To enable one, add `dotty-cps-async-loom` module to the dependencies: .. code-block:: scala libraryDependencies += "io.github.dotty-cps-async" %% "dotty-cps-async-loom" % "1.0.0" or .. code-block:: scala // for next line libraryDependencies += "io.github.dotty-cps-async" %% "dotty-cps-async-loom-next" % "1.0.0" Licensing and commercial support ================================ The library is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license. Commercial support is available. The primary audience is organizations that support their products, which use or include dotty-cps-async, and want to ensure that it will be possible to track support requests to all components of their products. For more information, please write a request to Basic Usage =========== Traditional async/await interface --------------------------------- The usage is similar to working with async/await frameworks in Scala 2 (e.g. |scala-async|_) and in other languages. We define two 'pseudo-functions' |async|_ and |await|_ [#f1]_ : .. index:: async .. index:: await .. code-block:: scala def async[F[_], T](using am: CpsMonad[F])(expr: T) => F[T] def await[F[_], T](f: F[T])(using CpsMonad[F]): T Inside the async block, we can use the |await|_ pseudo-function. .. code-block:: scala import cps._ def myFun(params) = async[MyMonad] { // ... here is possible to use await: val x = await(something) // ... } .. index:: CpsMonad .. index:: CpsTryMonad In the above code, the type ``MyMonad`` must implement one of the two type classes |CpsMonad|_ or |CpsTryMonad|_ (which supports try/catch). The minimal complete snippet looks as follows: .. code-block:: scala package com.example.myModule import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.util.{Failure, Success} import cps.* // async, await import cps.monads.{*, given} // support for built-in monads (i.e. Future) object Example: def fetchGreeting(): Future[String] = // dummy async function Future successful "Hi" def greet() = async[Future] { val greeting = await(fetchGreeting()) println(greeting) } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = val f = Await.ready(greet(), 1.seconds) { ex => println(ex.getMessage) } This minimal example is for |Future|_ monad and depends on library |dotty-cps-async|_ to be added to our project file ``build.sbt`` : .. code-block:: scala // libraryDependencies += "io.github.dotty-cps-async" %% "dotty-cps-async" % "1.0.0" From '0.9.22' we can use `await` as extension method: .. code-block:: scala def greet() = async[Future] { val greeting = fetchGreeting().await println(greeting) } **Note**: The :ref:`Integrations` section lists further library dependencies needed for integration with well-known monadic frameworks such as |Cats Effect|_, |Monix|_, |ScalaZ IO|_ or |ZIO|_ and streaming frameworks like |Akka Streams|_ and |fs2|_. A monad can also be abstracted out as in the following example: .. code-block:: scala trait Handler[F[_]: CpsTryMonad]: def run(): F[Unit] = async[F] { val connection = await(openConnection()) try while val command = await(readCommand(connection)) logCommand(command) val reply = await(handle(command)) if !reply.isMuted then await(connection.send(reply.toBytes)) !command.isShutdown do () finally connection.close() The |async|_ macro will transform the code block into something like .. raw:: html
transformed code .. code-block:: scala m.flatMap(openConnection())(a => { val connection: Connection[F] = a m.withAction({ def _whilefun(): F[Unit] = m.flatMap( m.flatMap(readCommand(connection))((a: Command) => { val command: Command = a logCommand(command) m.flatMap(handle(command))((a: Reply) => { val reply: Reply = a m.flatMap( if (!reply.isMuted) connection.send(reply.toBytes) else m.pure(()) )( _ => m.pure(!command.isShutdown)) }) }))(c => if (c) _whilefun() else m.pure(())) _whilefun() })( m.pure(connection.close()) ) }) .. raw:: html
Since we use optimized monadic transform as the transformation technique, the number of monadic brackets will be the same as the number of |await|_ s in the source code. You can read the :ref:`notes about implementation details `. Direct context encoding. (experimental) --------------------------------------- Direct context encoding allows the representation of asynchronous API as ordinary synchronous calls using context parameter CpsDirect[F]. The signature above is an example of a function in direct encoding: .. code-block:: scala def fetch(url:String)(using CpsDirect[Future]): String Usage: .. code-block:: scala def fetchAccessible(urls:List[String])(using CpsDirect[Future]): Map[String,String] = urls.flatMap{ url => try Some((url, fetch(url))) catch case NonFatal(ex) => logger.log(s"Can't fetch $url, skipping", ex) None }.toMap Our minimal example in this style: .. code-block:: scala import scala.annotation.experimental import scala.concurrent.* import scala.concurrent.duration.* import import cps.* // import cps import cps.monads.{*,given} // import support for build-in monads (i.e. Future) @experimental class TestMinimalExample: def fetchGreeting()(using CpsDirect[Future]): String = "Hi." // assume this is a real async operation def greet()(using CpsDirect[Future]) = val greeting = fetchGreeting() println(greeting) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = val f = async[Future]{ greet() } Await.ready(f, Duration(1.seconds)) { ex => println(ex.getMessage) } I.e. function accept external context parameter of form `CpsDirect[F]` and return type is an ordinary value not wrapped in monad. The developer can call such function from an async block or other function with the direct context. Note, that signature also can be written in carried form: `def fetchGreeting(): CpsDirect[F] ?=> String`. We can freely use `await` inside this direct context functions. Sometimes, we need to transform the synchronous style into asynchronous. We can do this using nested async expression or pseudo operator `asynchronized` (reified with reify/reflect syntax), which uses current context for inferring the monad type. For example, here is a version of `fetchAccessibe` which fetch url-s in parallel: .. code-block:: scala def fetchAccessible(urls:List[String])(using CpsDirect[Future]): Map[String,String] ={ url => asynchronized(fetch(url)) } .flatMap{ fetchingUrl => try Some((url, await(fetchingUrl))) catch case NonFatal(ex) => logger.log(s"Can't fetch $url, skipping", ex) }.toMap Note, that in current version (0.21) direct context encoding is marked to be experimental. Alternative names ----------------- `async(asynchronized)/await` names is appropriate for Future-s and effect monads. There are other monads where a direct style can be helpful in applications such as probabilistic programming, navigation over search space, collections, and many other. We define alternative names for macros: `reify(reifed)/reflect`, which can be more appropriate in the general case: .. code-block:: scala def bayesianCoin(nFlips: Int): Distribution[Trial] = reify[Distribution] { val haveFairCoin = reflect(tf()) val myCoin = if (haveFairCoin) coin else biasedCoin(0.9) val flips = reflect(myCoin.repeat(nFlips)) Trial(haveFairCoin, flips) } .. code-block:: scala import cps.* import cps.monads.{*,given} def allPairs[T](l: List[T]): List[(T,T)] = reify[List] { (reflect(l),reflect(l)) } Yet one pair of names 'lift/unlift', used for example in the |monadless|_ library by Flavio W. Brasill, can be enabled by importing `cps.syntax.monadless.*`. .. code-block:: scala import cps.* import cps.syntax.monadless.* class TestMonadlessSyntax { import cps.monads.FutureAsyncMonad val responseString: Future[String] = lift { try { responseToString(unlift(badRequest.get)) } catch { case e: Exception => s"received an exceptional result: $e" } } } .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#f1] The definitions of |async|_ and |await|_ are simplified, in reality they are more complex, because we want to infer the type of the expression independently from the type of monad. .. ########################################################################### .. ## Hyperlink definitions with text formating (e.g. verbatim, bold) .. /*to update*/ .. |3.1.0| replace:: ``3.1.0`` .. _3.1.0: .. |3.1.1| replace:: ``3.1.1`` .. _3.1.1: .. |3.2.0| replace:: ``3.2.0`` .. _3.2.0: .. |3.3.1| replace:: ``3.3.0`` .. _3.3.1: .. |Akka Streams| replace:: **Akka Streams** .. _Akka Streams: .. |fs2| replace:: **Fs2** .. _fs2: .. |async| replace:: ``async`` .. _async: .. |await| replace:: ``await`` .. _await: .. |Cats Effect| replace:: **Cats Effect** .. _Cats Effect: .. |CpsMonad| replace:: ``CpsMonad`` .. _CpsMonad: .. |CpsTryMonad| replace:: ``CpsTryMonad`` .. _CpsTryMonad: .. |dotty-cps-async| replace:: **dotty-cps-async** .. _dotty-cps-async: .. |Future| replace:: ``Future`` .. _Future: .. |header_dotty-cps-async| replace:: dotty-cps-async .. _header_dotty-cps-async: .. |header_scala3| replace:: Scala 3 .. _header_scala3: .. |Monix| replace:: **Monix** .. _Monix: .. |monadless| replace:: ``monadless`` .. _monadless: .. |Scala 3| replace:: **Scala 3** .. _Scala 3: .. |scala-async| replace:: ``scala-async`` .. _scala-async: .. |Scala.js Cross-Building| replace:: **Scala.js Cross-Building** .. _Scala.js Cross-Building: .. |ScalaZ IO| replace:: **ScalaZ IO** .. _ScalaZ IO: .. |ZIO| replace:: **ZIO** .. _ZIO: