Monad Context 

Monad context is a way to provide an additional API, which is available only inside some monad 
(i.e., inside appropriative |async|_ block).   
In the introduction chapter, we have shown a simplified representation of the |async|_ signature:

.. code-block:: scala

  def async[F[_], T](using am: CpsMonad[F])(expr: T) => F[T]

The complete definition looks like:

.. code-block:: scala

  transparent inline def async[F[_]](using am: CpsMonad[F]) =
    macros.Async.InferAsyncArg(using am)

  // and then in macros.Async:

  class InferAsyncArg[F[_], C](using val am: CpsMonad.Aux[F, C]) {

    transparent inline def apply[T](inline expr: C ?=> T) =
      // ...

Here we split an application into two parts, to have one type parameter in |async|_; this becomes possible with the ``async[F]`` syntax.
Take a look at the argument of the ``InferAsyncArg.apply`` method: ``expr: C ?=> T``.   
This is a context function. The context parameter ``C`` is extracted from the monad definition. 
Inside ``expr`` the Scala 3 compiler makes an implicit instance of ``C`` available, which we can use to provide an internal monad API. 

The complete await signature looks like:

.. code-block:: scala

  def await[F[_], T, G[_]](using CpsAwaitable[F], CpsMonadContext[G])(expr: T) => F[T]

where `F` is a type of awaited wrapper and `G` monad in enclosing |async|_ block.

Also, an instance of monad context is automatically available inside the direct context functions, i.e., when we have CpsDirect[F] in the current scope.

Using a context parameter makes our monad a bit more complex than traditional Haskell-like monad constructions, but allows us to represent important industry cases, like |structured concurrency|_.
Jokingly, we can say that our monad is close to the original Leibnic definition of monad in his work |Monadology|_, where each monad has unique qualities, not accessible from outside.

The monad context is defined as a type inside |CpsMonad|_ :

.. code-block:: scala

    trait CpsMonad[F[_]] ....

      type Context <: CpsMonadContext[F]
      // ...

|CpsMonadContext|_ provides the functionality to adopt awaiting another monadic expression into the current context.
.. code-block:: scala

    trait CpsTryMonadContext[F[_]] {

       * Return monad, where operations are intercepted with current context.
      def monad: CpsTryMonad[F]

As a practical example, let's consider adding a timeout to the plain Scala future.  
I.e., let's think about how to build the monad ``FutureWithTimeout``, which will complete within a timeout or fire a 
|TimeoutException|_. It's more or less clear how to combine a small |Future|_ with timeouts into one 
(at this point, we can rename timeouts to deadlines), but what should we do when the control flow 
is waiting for completing an external |Future|_ in |await|_?

The answer is the usage of a monad context: intercepted monadic operation can generate a promise,
 which will be filled in case of finishing of origin underlaying operation  or elapsing timeout.

See example |TestFutureWithDeadline.scala|_ for the implementation of such an approach.

Note that this is one variant of the code organization approach.  Alternatively, we can signal to ``f``, 
if we know that we  exclusively own ``f`` evaluation. This can be an approach for lazy effect.
The design choice for possible solutions is quite large.

With direct context encoding, you can pass information from the top-level context into subsequential computations via monad conversion boundaries with a custom implementation of |CpsMonadContextInclusion|_.

For monad writers: as a general design rule, use monad context when you want to provide access to some API, which should be visible only inside a monad (i.e. inside |async|_ or direct context function).  For trivial cases, when you don't need a context API, you can mix |CpsMonadInstanceContext|_ into your implementation of trait |CpsMonad|_.  
For more advanced cases, we advise using the |CpsContextMonad|_ trait.

Also, you can notice the compatibility of this context with |monadic-reflection|_, based on Flinsky encoding, where |async|_ becomes |reify|_ and |await|_ accordingly |reflect|_. 

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.. ## Hyperlink definitions with text formatting (e.g. verbatim, bold)

.. |async| replace:: ``async``
.. _async:

.. |await| replace:: ``await``
.. _await:

.. |CpsMonad| replace:: ``CpsMonad``
.. _CpsMonad:

.. |CpsMonadContext| replace:: ``CpsMonadContext``
.. _CpsMonadContext:

.. |CpsContextMonad| replace:: ``CpsContextMonad``
.. _CpsContextMonad:

.. |CpsMonadInstanceContext| replace:: ``CpsMonadInstanceContext``
.. _CpsMonadInstanceContext:

.. |CpsMonadContextInclusion| replace:: ``CpsMonadContextInclusion``
.. _CpsMonadContextInclusion:

.. |Future| replace:: ``Future``
.. _Future:

.. |monadic-reflection| replace:: **monadic-reflection**
.. _monadic-reflection:

.. |Monadology| replace:: **Monadology**
.. _Monadology:

.. |reflect| replace:: ``reflect``
.. _reflect:

.. |reify| replace:: ``reify``
.. _reify:

.. |structured concurrency| replace:: **structured concurrency**
.. _structured concurrency:

.. |TimeoutException| replace:: ``TimeoutException``
.. _TimeoutException:

.. |TestFutureWithDeadline.scala| replace:: ``TestFutureWithDeadline.scala``
.. _TestFutureWithDeadline.scala: